
Gwynedd and Anglesey Schools Counselling Service

The Counselling Service is available in Gwynedd and Anglesey secondary and primary schools; virtual provision is available for those who wish.

You can refer pupils to us through the referral form, and is available in the 'Resources' Section below. Pupils can also self-refer.

For any queries please contact: or 07815 597244.

Who receives this service?

A service that is available to Gwynedd and Anglesey secondary and primary schools.

What does the service offer?

It is a confidential and professional Counselling Service that is available for children and young people in Gwynedd and Anglesey. The service is provided by qualified and experienced counsellors at every school in the area for children and young people who have suffered emotionally over time. 

For example, children and young people can make use of the service if they:

  • Feel depressed
  • Suffer from anxiety
  • Have low self-esteem/lack confidence. 
  • Self-harm 
  • Suffer emotionally due to parents divorce, bereavement, stress of school work/examinations, problems with friendships/sweethearts, sexuality, bullying, family problems.
  • Require referral to mental health specialist services

 Counselling provides opportunity to:

  • Confidentially discuss issues with a neutral person. 
  • Reduce anxiety.
  • Get help to understand and deal with emotional problems. 
  • Get to know yourself better and develop self-awareness. 

Matters discussed with a counsellor are confidential; the counsellor will not divulge any information without the client (young person’s) consent. Usually, if a young person is over 14 years of age and/or is eligible to consent to counselling, a parent’s consent to see a counsellor is not required. If the counsellor is of the view that a client is in any kind of danger, information will need to be divulged to ensure safety.

Who's in the team?
Senior Counsellor  

Wendi Jones


Deneise Jones

Rhian Haf Connell

Mared Llwyd-Roberts

Nia Wyn Williams

Karen Wyn Jones

Glesni Prytherch

Mirain Glyn

Heather Hughes

Meleri Wyn Jones

Bedwyr Parri

Erin Amber Jones

Annes Heys


Counsellor / Art Therapist

Lowri Brengain Williams


How to access the service?

Who can refer?

Professional workers who work with the young person, parents or a young person can self-refer.

How to make a referral?

A referral form will have to be completed that is available at the school or see the 'Resources' Section below.

There is need to ensure that children and young people who are referred to the service are:

  • Aware of what counselling is and consent to the referral.
  • Between 10 and 18 years old and attend a school in Gwynedd/Anglesey.
  • Willing to attend regular sessions voluntarily for a short period, as a rule 6 weekly sessions.


Next steps

Once the Counselling Service have received a referral, it will be placed on a waiting list for the area. The referrals will be processed by date and in certain areas, this can be a lengthy waiting list. Individuals will be offered a date to meet the area counsellor who will assess and agree on the way forward with the young person. That may imply up to 6+ weekly sessions of meeting with the counsellor at the school. The service is available on specific days in every area during the school term only, the counselling service is not an emergency service. 


Inappropriate referrals

A referral may be inappropriate if a child/young person:

Has been ofefred therapeutic support from another service.  

  • That there is an immediate risk of suicide, serious self-harm, psychotic behaviour – an emergency hospital referral should be made.
  • That there is a real risk of self-harm or harm to others. 
  • Part of a legal process – need to ensure that the police protocol is followed of therapy prior to a court case. 


Other considerations.

If, in the counsellor’s opinion, that the child is eligible under Gillick rules (Gillick competence) the child/ young person is entitled to see a counsellor without parents/carers/teachers consent. 

Contact is recommended between workers if the referral is made by Children and Young People Mental Health Service (CAMHS) or by a GP.

The counsellor may judge that the service is inappropriate for certain referrals, the individual who is referring will be notified.

Those who refer will not receive any feedback, unless at the young person’s request.

If information needs to be divulged in a court case, the young person’s signed consent will be required. 


Children and Young People who would not be eligible to receive Counselling service

Those with mental health symptoms such as psychosis, intense depression, obvious eating disorders, PTSD.

Those with neuro-developmental and/or complex neuro-psychiatric disorders requiring an assessment from a multi-disciplinary team. 

Who else can help? We’re leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges. We provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. - Our website Hope Again ( is a website designed for young people by young people. It includes information and message boards where young people can share their experiences. - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)   BlackDog Video - 'I had a black dog, his name was depression'


Art Therapy – Gwynedd and Anglesey Schools Counselling Service

The Gwynedd and Anglesey Schools Counselling Service offers art therapy sessions to support the emotions and psychological needs of children and young people.

Art Therapy - Information Leaflet for Parents and Professionals - see the 'Resources' Section below

The video about Art Therapy is aimed at Children and Young People, however, if may also be of interest to professionals and parents.

Play Therapy – Gwynedd and Anglesey Schools Counselling Service

Video about Play Therapy


Counselling with a Therapy Dog – Gwynedd and Anglesey Schools Counselling Service

Video about Counselling with a Therapy Dog



    • Name: Art Therapy - Information Leaflet for Parents and Professionals.png
    • Language: English
    • Description:
    • Welsh version: If you require a Welsh version of this file, please contact us.
    • Name: Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook 20 04 2020.pdf
    • Language: English
    • Description: A Tool to Help You Build Resilience During Difficult Times. Published by The Wellness Society
    • Welsh version: If you require a Welsh version of this file, please contact us.
    • Name: Online counselling help to choose the right method for you.pdf
    • Language: English
    • Description: Gwynedd and Anglesey Schools Counselling Service are offering online and telephone counselling so that you can continue to be supported whilst schools are closed. You don’t have to leave the house to go to an appointment.
    • Welsh version: If you require a Welsh version of this file, please contact us.
    • Name: Gwasanaeth Cwnsela Ffurflen Gyfeirio Ebrill 2020 - Counselling Service Referral Form April 2020.doc
    • Language: Dwyieithog / Bilingual
    • Description: Gwasnaeth Cwnsela Ysgolion Gwynedd a Môn Schools Counselling Service
    • Name: Gwybodaeth i helpu chi benderfynu am gwnsela ar-lein.pdf
    • Language: Cymraeg
    • Description: Mae Gwasanaeth Cwnsela Ysgolion Gwynedd a Môn yn cynnig cwnsela ar-lein a dros y ffôn fel eich bod yn medru parhau i gael cefnogaeth tra fod yr ysgolion wedi cau. Ni fydd angen i chi adael eich cartref ar gyfer apwyntiad efo’r cwnselydd.
    • English version: If you require an English version of this file, please contact us.
    • Name: Therapi Celf - Taflen Wybodaeth i Rieni a Gweithwyr Proffesiynol.png
    • Language: Cymraeg
    • Description:
    • English version: If you require an English version of this file, please contact us.