Books and adapted materials

RNIB Bookshare - Providing books and diagrams in accessible ways for individuals with visual impairment or dyslexia.
See the 'Resources' section at the end of the page for the Bookshare instruction pack for parents
See the 'Resources' section at the end of the page for the Bookshare instruction pack for children
RNIB Cymru - Cardiff Transcription Centre
A personal transcription service is available from the transcription unit in Cardiff through the medium of Welsh Cardiff Transcription Centre | RNIB.
What formats are offered?
- Audio in human voice or digitally generated synthetic speech, on CD, Daisy CD, or as an mp3 file.
- Braille
- Large and giant print
- Electronic text
- Tactile diagrams and images
- Accessible sheet music and musical scores - Modified Stave notation
Custom Eyes - Books adapted to any font size at the normal price of the book.
Living Paintings - A charity that provides free Braille and tactile books in English.
Clearvision - A service that provides tactile books, in large print, or Braille
Calibre Audio Books - A charity that provides audio books for visually impaired adults and children, other disabilities or dyslexia. Calibre Audio - Calibre Audio
Listening Books - Listening Books - an online audiobooks charity ( – a charity that provides talking books for children over the age of 7 with a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, visual impairment, or a physical condition that makes it more difficult to hold a normal book.
RNIB Library - RNIB Library > Home – The RNIB Library is the largest in the UK, and is completely free, with over 60,000 items in the collection. o eitemau yn y casgliad. Talking books, braille books and braille music can be obtained through the website
Access2books - Welcome ( - Access2books is a chariety which produces and publishes high quality early years books in dual format - large print (75pt) and braille - with illustrations.
Bag Books - Multi-sensory Books | Bag Books provides multi-sensory books and storytelling for people with severe or profound and multiple learning disabilities. - Bag Books are designed for children, teenagers and adults who cannot access mainstream books. The multi-sensory books encourage the listener to participate in the story. They take the listener on a journey and engage the key senses of sight, sound, touch, smell and movement.
Name: RNIB Bookshare Cyfarwyddiadau i blant - Instructions for children.pdf
Language: Dwyieithog / Bilingual
Description: Cyfarwyddiadau RNIB Bookshare ar gyfer disgyblion - RNIB Bookshare instructions for pupils
Name: RNIB Bookshare Cyfarwyddiadau i rieni - Instructions for parents.pdf
Language: Dwyieithog / Bilingual
Description: Cyfarwyddiadau ar gyfer rhieni - Instruction pack for parents