Resources - Pack 1

Resources suggested by the Gwynedd English as an Additional Language (EAL) Service.

Pack 1 – April 2020

The resources recommended in this pack are from a CD entitiled ‘Racing to English’ by Gordon Ward ( available to purchase at a cost of £45 + £5 p/p.

The ‘Racing to English’ CD contains hundreds of cross-curriculur, language-focused activities to support pupils of all ages who are learning English. The activities below are available to download separately thanks to special permission from Gordon Ward.

    • Name: Body Parts Photoset.pdf
    • Language: English
    • Description: Games, photosets and activities based on learning to name body parts (from ‘Racing to English’, © Gordon Ward)
    • Welsh version: If you require a Welsh version of this file, please contact us.
    • Name: Multigame board to print.pdf
    • Language: English
    • Description: Board game to play, with instructions (from ‘Racing to English’, © Gordon Ward)
    • Welsh version: If you require a Welsh version of this file, please contact us.
    • Name: Science Equipment - Photoset.pdf
    • Language: English
    • Description: Photoset of scientific equipment, for use with the Multigame (see above)
    • Welsh version: If you require a Welsh version of this file, please contact us.

Please follow this link for a video showing more suggestions and ideas for using the Multigame Resource.

It is important that you as parents and carers continue to communicate with your children in your/their first language(s), especially at this difficult time. In order for your children to continue to develop their new language(s), English and Welsh, it will help if they listen to good examples of the language(s) being spoken at least once a day. The following websites will hopefully help with this.

  1.  - click on the section COVID-19 to find activities and projects for children to do at home

  2.   -  games, songs, stories, videos, activities for children learning English –  as above, but for older pupils

  3.   - downloadable apps for learning languages (all ages) + Home Learning Project Packs that can be downloaded for free during the time schools are closed

  4.  - stories from around the world to read together. Many languages available.