Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo)
The Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo) is a key role within the school, with strategic input. They are accountable to the school’s Governing Body and Headteacher, and receive further guidance from the Area ALN and Inclusion Quality Service. This individual has general responsibility for each individual school within his/her cluster to:
- Use provision mapping processes to ensure that whole-school ALN provision offers the best use of resources.
- Establish and implement systems of screening and identifying ALN, to enable early intervention.
- Ensure that the teaching requirements of each pupil with ALN are addressed by regularly monitoring the work of the teaching staff and assistants.
- Promote inclusion in educational settings.
- Create a positive and open relationship with the parents of ALN pupils.
- A source of ALN expertise by developing specialist skills and knowledge.
- Training school staff including teachers and assistants.
- Contribute to the School Development Plan and Self-Evaluations.
- Report on the quality of ALN within the school to the Governors and Headteacher/ Senior Management Team.
- Clear awareness of the LEA criteria and the services available to support the school.
- Contribute to the development of procedures including strategic financial planning and data gathering and analysis.
- Assessment of the use of IDP using individual-centred methods.
- Ensure appropriate use of LEA arrangements in seeking to avoid conflict.
- Improve their own professional learning by contacting other co-ordinators to develop and share experiences and good practice.
- Reinforce arrangement for transitional periods.
- Identifying pupils’ ALN needs in the school, co-ordinating information gathering to prepare an IDP.
- Undertake a lead role as regards the distribution of assistants on school cluster level as a result of discussions in ALN Forums.
Contact your child’s school to discuss a matter with the Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo) .