What happens after I leave school?

Transition from school to post-16 education and training is a very important life stage for every young person.

What happens after I leave school? 

Most young people who have Additional Learning Needs (ALN) attend a Further Education (FE) college or training programme.

FE colleges provide a wide range of courses to meet the needs of learners.

There is universal provision for all learners and many young people with learning difficulties and/ or disabilities will have their needs met in this way. Most young people can access education or training Currently, learners who can access education and training through universal provision.

Learners who need additional learning provision in college will have an IDP.


What is an Individual Development Plan (IDP)? 

An IDP is a legal document which describes a child or young person’s additional learning support needs, and the outcomes they would like to achieve

  • Children who have ALN will be able to discuss future transition from Year 9 onwards, during their IDP review meeting. Here, they can find out more about the opportunities and pathways available to them and will be able to ask questions. Careers Wales and college staff may also attend to support learners and their parents at these meetings.
  • The school and LA will advise on the available pathways for the learner.
  • Where appropriate, learners will transfer to college with their IDP, and the college will work with each young person to make sure the plan is suitable for them within their chosen course.
  • If the young person is aged between 16-25 they will need to provide consent for the plan to be written or maintained.

More about Person-centred methods to create an IDP



Videos about college life and the support available 
Watch the videos (alnpathfinder.wales)

As a family, would you like to know more information? These videos what you can expect at each stage of the process. College students and their families talk about their own experiences of moving from school to further education. Watch videos by college students and their families (alnpathfinder.wales)

Leaflet - Transition from school to post-16 education training for young people with ALN


College course? 6th Form? Apprenticeship? - what are my options?

Post-16 Options


I don't have an IDP, but I think I have ALN - what should I do?

Young people enrolled as students at a Further Education college (FEI) who may have Additional Learning Needs (ALN) will have their needs identified through the college in the first instance. In a small number of highly complex cases, the FEI may refer a young person’s case (with the young person’s consent) to the Local Authority for further advice and support. 

I'm a college student - talk with your teacher, personal support or ALN Co-ordinator at the college.

I'm not registered as a college student - contact ADY16@gwynedd.llyw.cymru for further information.